Monday, March 19, 2018

Week 8

While I spent Spring break out of the classroom, I found plenty of time to work on my research and learn more about technology integration. I started the week by viewing a webinar by Istation that discussed the challenges with integrating technology into the classroom. You can find the webinar here:

The rest of the week I continued working on research, adding newly attained survey data from a recent technology survey.  I had sent a request for the survey a few weeks ago and finally was given access to the results.  It contained data that further showed a need for technology in the classroom and helped with giving purpose to both my research and internship.  

I also used this time away from the classroom to review for my upcoming Comprehensive exam.  I viewed both videos and research that related to AR in education and industry.  Below are a few of the sources I viewed:

Aug That!

Using Aurasma and Powerpoint to create educational AR experiences

AR in industry (Index AR Solutions)

Caterpillar AR for inspection

Air measure app

I tried out the Air tape measure app and it was amazing how accurate it was!  It combined virtual reality with reality as it created a virtual tape measure to measure real objects.  Best of all the application was free!  I would like to do more research and see if there is such an app available for the kindle.  How neat would it be to have students measure objects at their desk with a virtual tape measurer?  Or measure objects that would otherwise be very difficult to measure, such as floor to ceiling or from one side of the room to the other? 

I also viewed videos and research that related to learning theory of constructivism and how it shapes curriculum.  The resources are below:

Constructivist Approaches

Article on Learning Theories in Education Technology

Breakout Session #1: Constructivist Inquiry-Based Teaching and Learning

Today I was back in the classroom, and while it is good to be back, it was nice having this time to focus on professional development and further understanding how to integrate technology into the classroom. 

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