Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Week 13

This past week was pretty exciting, and students got to participate in a really neat STEAM activity I found in the book I mentioned in the previous post. This week students continued to post and respond to posts on Seesaw. I now have a few parents who are connected to Seesaw and are able to see their child’s learning. Students also finished taking the survey from the previous week and I received some very informative results that you can view by clicking here

As mentioned above, I found a STEAM activity titled "Pesky Pythons." As the name describes students are asked to research pythons as an invasive species in the state of Florida. Students used computers, kindles, and books to conduct research on snakes, pythons in particular. Students absolutely loved having this time to research on their own in collaborative groups! In the end groups will create a powerpoint presentation to present their findings.

This past week students also used Quizizz and Kahoot to review for Monday’s Social studies benchmark. Students really enjoy mixing and matching the two quiz sites and I have already seen results showing that it helps with their understanding!

I also spent this past week working on writing my grant. Due to unforeseen circumstances the grant writing workshop had to be rescheduled for May 1st.

This post is a little later in the week than usual, but it's been a crazy week! I look forward to sharing more ways our class is integrating technology into our learning!

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